Monday, June 15, 2015

corejava interview questions part 2

9:58 AM

corejava interview questions part 2

Q19 - When the plus operator (+) is used as a concatenation operator, what is the nature of its
behavior if its right operand is not of type String? If the right operand is a variable that is not of type
String, what is the impact of this behavior on that variable.
A - In this case, the operator also coerces the value of the right operand to a string representation for use in the expression only. If the right operand is a variable, the value stored in the variable is not modified in any way.
Q 20- Show and describe four unary arithmetic operators supported by Java.
A - Java supports the following four unary arithmetic operators. 
 Operator    Description                             
    +        Indicates a positive value              
    -        Negates, or changes algebraic sign      
    ++       Adds one to the operand, both prefix and postfix
    --       Subtracts one from operand, prefix and postfix
Q20 - What is the type returned by relational operators in Java?
A - Relational operators return the boolean type in Java.
Q 21- Show and describe six different relational operators supported by Java.
A - Java supports the following set of relational operators: 
 Operator    Returns true if  
    >        Left operand is greater than right operand
    >=       Left operand is greater than or equal to right operand
    <        Left operand is less than right operand 
    <=       Left operand is less than or equal to right operand
    ==       Left operand is equal to right operand  
    !=       Left operand is not equal to right operand
Q 22- Show the output that would be produced by the following Java application:  
 class prg2 { //define the controlling class
   public static void main(String[] args){ //define main method
     System.out.println("The relational 6<5 is " + (6<5 ) );
     System.out.println("The relational 6>5 is " + (6>5 ) );
   }//end main
 }//End  class.  Note no semicolon required
 //End Java application
A - This program produces the following output:
The relational 6<5 is false
The relational 6>5 is true
Q23 - Show and describe three operators (frequently referred to as conditional operators in Java and
logical operators in C++) which are often combined with relational operators to construct more
complex expressions (often called conditional expressions). Hint: The && operator returns true if
the left and right operands are both true. What are the other two and how do they behave?
A - The following three logical or conditional operators are supported by Java. 
 Operator  Typical Use       Returns true if
 &&        Left && Right     Left and Right are both true
 ||        Left || Right     Either Left or Right is true
 !         ! Right           Right is false
Q24 - Describe the special behavior of the || operator in the following expression for the case where
the value of the variable a is less than the value of the variable b.
(a < b) || (c < d)
A - An important characteristic of the behavior of the && and || operators in Java is that the expressions are
evaluated from left to right, and the evaluation of the expression is terminated as soon as the result of evaluating the expression can be determined. For example, in the above expression, if the variable a is less than the variable b , there is no need to evaluate the right operand of the || to determine the value of the entire expression. Thus, evaluation will terminate as soon as it is determined that a is less than b.

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