Monday, June 15, 2015


9:58 AM


awt (abstract windowing toolkit):

In JAVA we can develop to types of GUI (Graphic User Interface) applications. They are
standalone GUI applications and distributed GUI applications.

A standalone GUI application is one which runs in the context of local disk and our class must
extends a predefined class called
• A distributed GUI application is one which runs in the context of browser and our class must
extend java.applet.Applet class.
As a part of GUI applications we use to create two types of components. They are  passive
components and active components
• A passive component is one where there is no
• An active component is one where there is an interaction from the user. For example button,
check box, scroll bar, etc.
The active and passive components in JAVA are available in terms of classes. In order to
with any GUI applications we must import a package called java.awt.* (contains various classes and
interfaces for creating GUI components) and java.awt.event.* (contains various classes and
interfaces which will provide functionality to GUI components

AWT hierarchy chart:
Whenever we develop any GUI  application  we  must  have  readily   available     window
component and window component must contain frame component. Any GUI component which we
want to create gives the corresponding class and

A Container is a class whose object allows us to add ‘n’ number of similar or different GUI
components to make a final application Except Object class and Applet class all the classes in the a
to java.awt.* package.

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