Monday, June 15, 2015

corejava interview questions part 3

10:00 AM

corejava interview questions part 3

Q25 - Show the symbols used for the bitwise and operator and the or operator.
A - The & operator in Java is a bitwise and and the | operator is a bitwise or.
Q26 - The logical and operator is represented in Java by the && symbol. What is the representation
of the bitwise and operator in Java?
A - The bitwise and operator is represented by the & symbol in Java.
Q27 - Show and describe five operators in Java that perform actions on the operands one bit at a time
(bitwise operators).
A - The following table shows the seven bitwise operators supported by Java. 
 Operator    Typical Use         Operation                 
 >>          OpLeft >> Dist      Shift bits of OpLeft right by Dist bits (signed)
 <<          OpLeft << Dist      Shift bits of OpLeft left by Dist bits
 >>>         OpLeft >>> Dist     Shift bits of OpLeft right by Dist bits (unsigned)
 &           OpLeft & OpRight    Bitwise and of the two operands              
 |           OpLeft | OpRight    Bitwise inclusive or of the two operands      
 ^           OpLeft ^ OpRight    Bitwise exclusive or (xor) of the two operands
 ~           ~ OpRight           Bitwise complement of the right operand (unary)  
Q28 - In Java, the signed right shift operation populates the vacated bits with the zeros, while the left
shift and the unsigned right shift populate the vacated bits with the sign bit: True or False. If your
answer is False, explain why.
A - False: In Java, the signed right shift operation populates the vacated bits with the sign bit, while the left shift and the unsigned right shift populate the vacated bits with zeros.
Q29 - In a signed right-shift operation in Java, the bits shifted off the right end are lost: True or False.
If your answer is False, explain why.
A - True: For both Java and C++, bits shifted off the right end are lost.
Q30 - Using the symbols 1 and 0 construct a table showing the four possible combinations of 1 and 0.
Using a 1 or a 0, show the result of the bitwise and operation on these four combinations of 1 and 0.
A - The answer is:
1 and 1 produces 1
1 and 0 produces 0
0 and 1 produces 0
0 and 0 produces 0
Q 31- Using the symbols 1 and 0 construct a truth table showing the four possible combinations of 1
and 0. Using a 1 or a 0, show the result of the bitwise inclusive or operation on these four
combinations on these four combinations of 1 and 0.
A - The answer for the inclusive or is:
1 or 1 produces 1
1 or 0 produces 1
0 or 1 produces 1
0 or 0 produces 0
Q 32- Using the symbols 1 and 0 construct a truth table showing the four possible combinations of 1
and 0. Using a 1 or a 0, show the result of the bitwise exclusive or operation on these four
combinations on these four combinations of 1 and 0.
A - The answer for the exclusive or is:
1 xor 1 produces 0
1 xor 0 produces 1
0 xor 1 produces 1
0 xor 0 produces 0
Q 33- For the exclusive or, if the two bits are different, the result is a 1. If the two bits are the same,
the result is a 0. True or False? If your answer is False, explain why.
A - True.
Q 34- Is the assignment operator a unary operator or a binary operator. Select one or the other.
A - The assignment operator is a binary operator.
Q 35- In Java, when using the assignment operator, the value stored in memory and represented by the
right operand is copied into the memory represented by the left operand: True or False? If your
answer is False, explain why.
A - True.
Q 36- Show two of the shortcut assignment operators and explain how they behave by comparing
them with the regular (nonshortcut) versions. Hint: The (^=) operator is a shortcut assignment
A - Java supports the following list of shortcut assignment operators. These operators allow you to perform an assignment and another operation with a single operator.     += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= >>>=
For example, the two statements which follow perform the same operation.
     x += y;     x = x + y;
The behavior of all the shortcut assignment operators follows this same pattern.
Q 37 - Write a Java application illustrates the difference between  the prefix and the postfix versions of the increment  operator.
 class prog3{
   static public void main(String[] args){
     int x = 3;
     int y = 3;
     int z = 10;
     System.out.println("Prefix version gives  " + (z + ++x));
     System.out.println("Postfix version gives " + (z + y++));
   }//end main
 }//end class
Q38  Write a Java application that illustrates the use of the following relational operators:  < > <= >= == !=
class Prog4 { //define the controlling class
   public static void main(String[] args){ //define main method
     System.out.println("The relational 6<5 is " + (6<5 ) );
     System.out.println("The relational 6>5 is " + (6>5 ) );
     System.out.println("The relational 5>=5 is " + (5>=5 ) );
     System.out.println("The relational 5<=5 is " + (5<=5 ) );
     System.out.println("The relational 6==5 is " + (6==5 ) );
     System.out.println("The relational 6!=5 is " + (6!=5 ) );
   }//end main
 }//End prog4 class.  Note no semicolon required
Q39 - Write a Java application that illustrates the use of the following  logical or conditional operators:
 &&  ||  !
 class prg5 { //define the controlling class
   public static void main(String[] args){ //define main method
     System.out.println("true and true is " + (true && true) );
     System.out.println("true and false is " + (true && false) );
     System.out.println("true or true is " + (true || true) );
     System.out.println("true or false is " + (true || false) );
     System.out.println("false or false is " + (false || false) );
     System.out.println("not true is " + (! true) );
     System.out.println("not false is " + (! false) );   
}//end main
Q40 - Java supports a constant type: True or False. If false, explain why.
A - Java does not support a constant type. However, in Java, it is possible to achieve the same result by
declaring and initializing a variable and making it final.
Q41 Provide a code fragment that illustrates the syntax for creating a named constant in Java.
A - The syntax for creating a named constant in Java is as follows:      final float PI = 3.14159;
Q42 - What is the common method of controlling the order of evaluation of expressions in Java?
A -  you can control the order of evaluation by the use of parentheses.
Q43 - What are the three actions normally involved in the operation of a loop (in addition to executing
the code in the body of the loop)?
A - The operation of a loop normally involves the following three actions in addition to executing the code in the body of the loop:
     Initialize a control variable.
     Test the control variable in a conditional expression.
     Update the control variable.

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