Monday, June 15, 2015

Core Java Interview Questions On Strings and Exceptions

10:05 AM

Core Java Interview Questions On Strings and Exceptions

Q - Provide a code fragment consisting of a single statement showing how to use the Integer wrapper class to convert a string containing digits to an integer and store it in a variable of type int.
A - See code fragment below
     int num = new Integer("3625").intValue();
Q - Explain the difference between the capacity() method and the length() methods of the StringBuffer class.
A - The capacity() method returns the amount of space currently allocated for the StringBuffer object. The
length() method returns the amount of space used.
Q - The following is a valid code fragment: True or False? If false, explain why.
 StringBuffer str6 = new StringBuffer("StringBuffer named str6".length());
A - True.
Q - Which of the following code fragments is the most efficient, first or second?
 String str1 = "THIS STRING IS NAMED str1";
 String str1 = new String("THIS STRING IS NAMED str1");
A - The first code fragment is the most efficient.


Java provides the System class which provides a platform-dependent interface between your program and various system resources: True or False? If false, explain why.
A - False. Java provides the System class which provides a platform-independent interface between your program and those resources.
Q - You must instantiate an object of the System class in order to use it: True or False? If false, explain why.
A - False. You don't need to instantiate an object of the System class to use it, because all of its variables and methods are class variables and methods.
Q - The following code fragment can be used to instantiate an object of the System class: True or False? If false, explain why.
 System mySystemObject = new System();
A - False. You cannot instantiate an object of the System class. It is a final class, and all of its constructors are private.
Q - What is the purpose of the write() method of the PrintStream class?
A - The write() method is used to write bytes to the stream. You can use write() to write data which is not intended to be interpreted as text (such as bit-mapped graphics data).


Q - The exception-handling capability of Java makes it possible for you to monitor for exceptional conditions within your program, and to transfer control to special exception-handling code which you design. List five keywords that are used for this purpose.
A - try, throw, catch, finally, and throws
Q - All exceptions in Java are thrown by code that you write: True or False? If false, explain why.
A - False. There are situations where an exceptional condition automatically transfers control to special exception-handling code which you write (cases where you don't provide the code to throw the exception object).
Q - When an exceptional condition causes an exception to be thrown, that exception is an object derived, either directly, or indirectly from the class Exception: True or False? If false, explain why.
 A - False. When an exceptional condition causes an exception to be thrown, that exception is an object derived, either directly, or indirectly from the class Throwable.

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